Sunday, October 13, 2024



MERCURY began its transit through the dark, brooding sign of Scorpio today, October 13th, at 3:23 PM EDT ... Mercury was last in Scorpio from October 21st/22nd through November 9th/10th, 2023 !!!

Mercury in Scorpio now being in a fixed sign is intense, probing and filled with boundless determination ... this is the placement of the natural born detective always wanting to get to the bottom of things and ferret out information and hidden motives ... it loves tuning into underlying messages ... communication is usually done very passionately and intensely ... a lot of messages are delivered non verbally ... intimate bonds are frequently formed through ones communications ... superficiality is not tolerated ... what is spoken emanates from the depth of ones psyche !!! 

One often thinks about secrecy and silence and sometimes withholds information on purpose ... though the mind is usually thorough and organized, it can be easily swayed by powerful emotions and obsessions ... one seeks the underlying root causes here and is usually unyielding in their quest for information ... detective work might appeal to one here along with anything that looks beneath the surface such as psychotherapy, archaeology and, of course, the occult !!!

Mercury in Scorpio can make one critical, skeptical, secretive and suspicious ... opinions are set and difficult to change ... one can also be shrewd, forceful and given to being very incisive through speech or writings ... sometimes one can needlessly wound others and also come across as being rather nosey and invasive ... this position of Mercury is good for the healing professions, chemistry, photography, research and big business ... ones mentality can become so deep and fixed it can overcome any and all obstacles to get what it wants ... one must learn here to avoid using others weaknesses for ones own personal advantage and passing judgment on those less fortunate than ones self !!!

Mercury transiting through Scorpio teaches us all about how our thinking is influenced by what we desire ... it is the super sleuth of the zodiac ... what you desire and what you fear are tightly entangled in your mind ... this mind sees through people and situations ... this mentality rarely misses anything ... a warning here would be not to fall into the trap of being suspicious of malice of intent when it does not exist ... sometimes this energy can create intrigue just to keep the mind on its toes !!!

This mind is basically sharp and efficient knowing that there is always something that needs looking into thus constantly exercising the mental muscle ... the sign of real mental power and superiority here is learning when to leave well enough alone which is usually understood here ... insight is sharpened with the ability to watch and wait silently which this energy bestows ... others can often benefit greatly from the penetrating insight found here ... one is happiest here when not overcome by personal fears and phobias as they end up clouding ones judgment ... this energy likes brain-teasers, mental control and intrigues ... it dislikes mental inactivity, weak-mindedness, lack of subtlety and mincing words ... the energy of Mercury of Scorpio can be expressed in the following ways:

POSITIVE: sharp, incisive, subtle, satirical, perceptive, penetrating mind, stealthy, audacious, accurate, investigative, emphatic, determined, good concentration, quick-minded, profound, confiding, insightful, strategic

NEGATIVE: cutting, acidic, sneaky, sarcastic, suspicious, paranoid, intrusive, abusive, uncharitable, grilling, overstated, argumentative, mentally tense, presumptuous, meddlesome, incomprehensible, secretive, devious, scheming

One should use the energy of this mental and communicative ability to leave no stone unturned through boundless determination in order to find what they are really after which ultimately is - ONES SELF !!!

Mercury now joins Venus already in transit through Scorpio ... Mercury remains in Scorpio until November 2nd !!!

This is the last full sign transit before Mercury takes its third and final retrograde journey for 2024 which occurs from November 25th through December 15th going from 22 degrees 40 minutes Sagittarius back to 6 degrees 23 minutes Sagittarius ... Mercury enters its next shadow point on November 7th when it reaches 6 degrees 23 minutes Sagittarius !!!

For now, it is an excellent time for a good mystery, to dig down and uncover the true facts, and for each one of us to take a crack at being a super sleuth !!!

In the end, we may find that what we uncover proves to be something much more than simply being "elementary my dear Watson" as we ultimately may discover - WHAT LIES BENEATH !!!

Thursday, October 10, 2024



JUPITER - the planet known as the Great Benefic, and the planet which symbolizes growth, the law, beliefs, ethics, expansion, opportunity, wealth, faith, higher education, travel - long distance, religion, philosophy, joy, goodwill and sometimes excessiveness, began its retrograde journey for 2024 on Wednesday, October 9th, at 3:05 AM EDT ... this 118 day Jupiter retrograde period will go from 21 degrees 20 minutes back to 11 degrees 16 minutes Gemini ... this is the only period that Jupiter will be retrograde in Gemini for approximately the next twelve years !!! ... take note in what house/houses these degrees fall in your natal chart and the areas of life ruled by these house/houses ... transiting planetary retrogrades are often referred to as global wake-up calls ... usually right before a Jupiter retrograde it will be discovered or become apparent that society, organizations and individuals will have "gone too far" in their desires to expand and grow ... often the actions will have exceeded positive limits which necessitates a time for stepping back ... gee, do you think it might be necessary now to rethink the financial bail out and who gets what and whether or not some people/organizations have gotten an unnecessarily excessive amount ???

Jupiter retrograde is a period for everyone to grow internally and prepare themselves for new opportunities that arise when Jupiter stations back into direct motion ... it is very important during this period to look deep within and develop a better understanding and awareness which hopefully will enable each one of us to figure out if what is being offered to us is what we really want and/or need !!!

People born with Jupiter retrograde in their natal chart usually find that society's religions, beliefs, philosophies, and cultural values are not compatible with their own values ... they have to step back from the "norms" and rethink these things on their own in order to develop their own individual "operating systems" ... needless to say, during a transiting Jupiter retrograde, we may all experience this and those born with Jupiter retrograde may experience an enhanced desire to pursue their natal energy in regard to this area of our lives ... as Jupiter goes retrograde roughly every 9 months for a period of about 4 months, there are obviously a lot of people, like yours truly, born with Jupiter retrograde in their natal chart !!!

Jupiter is currently in transit through the sign of Gemini - which it began back on May 25th - until June 5th, 2025 ... this energy is all about growing and expanding through communicating ... and as Jupiter is now in a relationship with Mercury, the natural ruler of Gemini, that means there is a lot of information coming to us through many different sources in addition to a lot of energy pushing us to get up and move in fact into many different directions at the same time... but the caveat here is that we have been bombarded by so much information that we have become overloaded with facts and figures to the point of mental exhaustion ... social media has truly continued to explode and many are frequently posting information which may be true or overblown embellished versions of the truth and in some cases outright lies and misinformation with the sole intention to stir people up to the point of potentially living in fear ... in addition no doubt the effects of many so called "influencers" have been constantly in our faces, so to speak, and we have had the task to determine what is valid and what is not worth our time ... for many of them it's not about the content of the message so much as it is about how many people clicked on the post and/or started following them ... social media posts must be clearly vetted for the truth of their information ... one of the main reasons Jupiter is said to be in detriment in the sign of Gemini as energies tend to become extremely scattered in too many different directions ... perhaps this retrograde period has come at a very fortuitous period allowing us to "drop back and punt" so to speak and take time to really think about and try to understand everything we are being exposed to - especially with Pluto stationing back into direct motion on October 11th which is surely going to cause things from the depths to rise to the surface and be exposed whether or not we like it ... and this is especially true in the United States as we are coming up on a Presidential election on November 5th and there is an overabundance of information on both sides - some of it true but so much of it falsely manufactured to make the other candidate look bad ... but we are living in a country that supposedly supports freedom of speech and Jupiter in Gemini is certainly fueling that constitutional right to excess !!!

Sagittarius born individuals, as Jupiter is the ruling planet of your Sun sign, this is your yearly period of review and reflection ... Sagittarius Moon and Rising signs may also be particularly affected by this retrograde period ... it is time to step back and reflect on what has been going on in your life since Jupiter last turned direct on December 31st, 2023 at 5 degrees 34 minutes Taurus ... where have you possibly over-expanded, and what opportunities for growth and expansion have come your way that you either took advantage of or might well have overlooked especially in relation to the areas of life ruled by the house or houses where this forward motion has occurred ... in fact couldn't the same be said for all of us ???

Jupiter remains retrograde until February 4th, 2025, so take a good look at where you have possibly over-expanded, physically or otherwise, gone too far too fast, and keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities for growth and expansion that might come your way ... take advantage of them - be careful not to overlook what could ultimately be that once in a lifetime chance !!!

Sunday, October 6, 2024


MERCURY began its transit through the, social, charming, persuasive sign of Libra back on Thursday, September 26th at 4:09 AM EDT ... Mercury was last in Libra from October 4th through October 20th/21st, 2023 !!! ... harsh words and intimidating comments are seldom or very hesitatingly spoken while Mercury moves through this sign - after all, Libra is ruled by Venus which tends to soften and sweeten things while adding charm ... in many ways this can be considered as the cosmic energy expressing the "language" of love !!!

Mercury in Libra produces a mindset that is usually concerned with human relations and psychology and produces a mindset towards balance where both sides of the issue are considered ... it gives an intense curiosity about the thinking and behavior patterns of others - it is very focused on one particular aspect of the mental and emotional plane and that is one-to-one relationships ... good communications and happiness in relationships are essential here ... there is a strong sense of justice which tends to make one very honest in their communications ... communications are generally made in a diplomatic, elegant and balanced manner ... feedback from others is a must in order to clarify your opinions ... mentally striving to support your heartfelt principles is often what inspires others with this energy !!!

Mercury in Libra likes to consider all sides of an issue before making a final decision - the trap here is that Mercury, finding it difficult to explore any single idea without devoting equal time and energy to the opposite viewpoint and thus becoming distracted by too many facts, may yield indecisiveness which results in the inability to act on an issue thus getting lost ... Mercury in Libra also gives an interest to the law and the arts ... it bestows one with charm and diplomacy and gives the ability to communicate adeptly, elegantly, impartially and tactfully ... this energy produces natural born mediators and one who has truly mastered the art of whispering sweet nothings into your ear !!!

Mercury in Libra teaches us to think and communicate through relating to others, and underlying much of this thinking is a desire for agreement ... it likes an honest reputation, refined minds, good manners, moral justice and likes to learn through interaction with others ... it does not like being underestimated, having no one to talk with, and mob mentality ... as always there are two different kinds of uses with any energy ... as for Mercury in Libra they are:

POSITIVE: agreeable, flexible, diplomatic, prudent, persuasive, charming, well-spoken, communicative, hardworking, disciplined, scholarly, orderly, eclectic, fair judge, good arbitrator, reasonable, team-spirited, principled, honorable, open-minded ...

NEGATIVE: weak-minded, non-committal, turncoat, smooth-talking, insincere, affected, rat-racer, blindly obedient, unoriginal, indecisive, cowardly, phony, boring, illogical, easily swayed, overly sensitive, flighty, superficial ...

Mercury is currently transiting through the sign of Libra along with the Sun ... Mercury remains in Libra until October 13th !!!

Just a reminder - only one more complete sign transit, that being Scorpio, before Mercury takes its third and final retrograde journey for 2024 ... this will occur from November 25th through December 15th ... this retrograde will be completely in the sign of Sagittarius going from 22 degrees 40 minutes back to 6 degrees 23 minutes Sagittarius ... Mercury enters its next shadow point on November 7th when it reaches 6 degrees 23 minutes Sagittarius !!!

Meanwhile with this current mercurial energy, for all of us this becomes a period of time when we have the ability to learn to speak more graciously and gently through our communications ... and to that end the Universe encourages each one of us to realize -