Saturday, April 23, 2011


Mercury completed its first retrograde journey, completely in the sign of Aries this time, for 2011 early this morning, 4/23, and stationed back into direct motion at 6:04 AM EST - do I hear a BIG SIGH OF RELIEF out there ??? ... time to ease back into the forward swing of things on many levels - even though Aries would energize us to get "fired" up and move forward rapidly instead ... over the next few days to the next few weeks or even months, there may be some "a-ha" lights coming on in regard to decisions made during the retrograde period from 3/30 through today 4/23 and possibly as far back as 3/16 when Mercury entered its shadow point - the point where it would come out of the retrograde journey this morning which was at 12 degrees of Aries ... or did issues and complications or questioning arise in regards to things done during the last retrograde period from 12/10 - 12/30 ??? ... and the recurring question you may find yourself asking is - "WHY" ???????????????????

What actions did you take or were taken against you that you may now be regretting or simply wondering why you chose to do or were the victim of that particular course of action, and why didn't you or the other person wait a little longer or are simply now trying to figure out why it happened ???? .... did you make any major purchases - homes, cars, electronics - that now don't seem like the best thought out course of action ??? ... there could be problems regarding any purchases made with anything where electrical energy and/or computers were involved .... relationships may have come to an end - some needed to and others may have jumped the gun and you are now wondering, or will be, why did I do that or end things at this point ... and how many of you got married - oops !!! ... all of these scenarios are possible as the energy of a Mercury retrograde is one where communications and mental energy is going "backwards" ...

Did any of you have issues regarding your pesonality, individuality, the way you express yourself, the way you want others to see you or the way others actually see you, or have something happen that brought change to these issues in some way ??? ...were there issues with your physical body - especially in the area of the head - the area of the body Aries rules, your physical body or your health in general - since Mercury naturally rules the 6th house of health ??? ... how many of you decided to or thought very serioulsy about changing your appearance in some way - as Aries naturally rules the 1st house that being the house of "the self" and how we project out into the world ??? ... how many began new endeavors that may not succeed due to the backward moving energy ??? ... were there any issues in regards to your assertiveness - or the lack thereof - surgery and operations, accidents, inflammations, cuts, burns, or maybe even incidences of violence and anger since Mars rules Aries ??? ... and how many of you had travel plans that fell apart, ran into nasty delays or did not turn out how you thought they would ??? ... did anyone from your past come back around only to go out again or make you understand why they aren't actively in your life anymore ???

Now there may be a few instances where nothing really major happened but rather only minor annoyances ... those of you born with your natal Sun between 24 degrees of Aries back down to 12 degrees of Aries may also have had something significant occur during this retrograde as Mercury passed back over your natal Sun ... (hint: if you have, or have not, had a natal chart run that means your birthday falls roughly between 4/2 and 4/15 ...  any new beginnings made and contracts signed during the retrograde period may not pan out in the end as the energy simply won't be supported ... new jobs begun or accepted during the retrograde period may not prove to be what they were supposed to be or completely fall apart down the road ...

Mercury remains in the sign of Aries until May 15th ... even though it is direct, and that is a VERY GOOD thing, Mercury will not be back up to "full speed" until May 11th when it reaches the point at where the retrograde zone began on March 30th which is 24 degrees of Aries ... we can all now take a deep breath and proceed to bust a move forward ... keep in mind things may really start popping and there could be a great big rush of energy propelling us forward as there are now 5 planets currently transiting through the sign of Aries - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus - and this shift back into forward motion will certainly make its energy felt in some manner through these other planets and how they express themselves in Aries outwardly to the world ... so celebrate but know there is much work to be done with Universal support aplenty ... just don't go too far too fast as Aries would naturally dictate that you do - otherwise you or someone else might truly get "burned"  !!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


The thrill of the chase ... I've got it !!! ... IT’S OVER - GOODBYE!!!!! ... and just like that, what we thought we so passionately desired has suddenly lost its initial appeal .... moving right along - NEXT !!! .... get the picture ??? .... well that is what some if not all of us will experience on some level in our lives as Venus burned its way into the passionate sign of Aries at 12:06 AM EDT early this morning April 21st ... we can expect to become impassioned about someone or something or both ... we will pursue it with total dedication ... and if we finally get it, we could find ourselves ultimately asking the question - WHY????? ... of course some of us may also find ourselves outright overly horny as we are "burning with desire"!!! ... Venus in the fire sign of Aries will seek its interactions with others and pursue things passionately, romantically, excitedly and adventurously ... be aware this is Venus hooking up in a relationship with Mars which is the ruler of Aries, so there WILL be fireworks somewhere !!!

Venus represents our social urge and our sense of values ... it rules the signs of Taurus and Libra and is the natural ruler of the 2nd house - a house of substance representing your emotional need for fulfillment and feelings, your values, your sense of self-worth, your inner talents and resources and your earning power .... its the house of material debt .... Venus is also the natural ruler of the 7th house - a house of face-to-face relationships where the keyword is cooperation which might be somewhat lacking while Venus moves through Aries as we tend to be a little slack with our social graces at times along the way .... it represents both social, business and personal relationships ... its a house of open enemies and you may well find them during this transit so best to think twice before speaking which makes this transit very challenging ... the 7th house also indicates what you most lack about yourself being opposite the 1st house, and you might find an increased desire to fill that void wherever it is perceived ... Venus is the anatomical ruler of the throat, chin, cheeks and sense of taste - there could be issues here with Aries ruler Mars possibly "boiling" up symptoms with its fiery attributes ...

Venus in Aries is demonstrative ... we love the thrill of the chase of the person or object of our desire ... it is very outgoing and enthusiastic to the point of ending up aggressive and overwhelming ... most of the time it will be your feelings and values that are center most on your mind instead of others .... it likes the novelty and newness of things and once that is over it can be fickle and ready to move on ... it’s attracted to people who are independent, those with a lot of initiative, and certainly those who are creative with their originality ... here pursuit of passion is the name of the game but once the object of your attention has been captured, you, the hunter, may move on by viewing it as another trophy to put on your Venusian shelf of love and desire ....

If you know which house you have the sign of Aries in natally, then you can most likely figure out where and how this transit of Venus will play out in your own life in addition to society as well ... and if you were born with the Sun in Aries, at some point during this Venus transit, it will pass over your natal Sun giving you a day to just enjoy the world, your friends , your creative efforts, and simply being alive !!!

ONE CAVEAT - Venus is the natural ruler of the 2nd house and therefore money earned as well as money SPENT ... you should be careful about "burning" through your personal money while Venus is in Aries as the purse strings will be significantly loosend and expanded by this "heated" energy and you will want to increase your material holdings and also be drawn towards the purchase of big ticket or luxury items only to find yourself thinking at the end of this transit - "and I spent THAT MUCH MONEY because...????" ... and, as Venus naturally rules the 7th house of partnerships and relationships both personal and professional, you might also find yourself thinking that you may have accidentally "incinerated" some of these as well !!!

Of course the Universe couldn't bestow us with this exciting energy without adding its cosmic sense of humor to the mix ... don't forget we are currently in a Mercury retrograde in Aries - the sign that Venus has entered - but only until this coming Saturday, April 23rd ... it will be interesting to see how the first two days of this Venus transit plays out !!!

Venus remains in the sign of Aries until May 15th ... Aries born, the love light is now shining on YOU - take advantage of the extra possibility of getting what you ask for !!!! ...  but when Venus finally leaves the sign of Aries, we all could well end up summing up our experiences in one of two ways - as "Loves Labour Lost" or a "Total Eclipse of the Heart" !!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


The Sun began its yearly transit of the sign of Taurus early this morning, 4/20, at 6:18 AM EDT ... the pace of life slows down a little as the Sun has left the fiery sign of Aries and shifts into a slower mode of energy in Taurus - and it might be slower than usual to start as we are still in a Mercury Retrograde in Aries until this Saturday, April 23rd !!! ... with the Sun in Taurus, we need to shine comfortably, seek recognition deliberately, shine in ones own dependability, and have a drive for recognition which manifests itself through sensuality and/or personal possessions ... Taurus is a feminine, fixed, earth sign therefore its tendency to nurture and comfort through a methodical but slower and more stable course of action ... its keyphrase is "I Have" and its keyword is "stability" ... being a fixed sign, Taurus can appear to be quiet, affectionate, patient, stable, determined and practical, stubborn and resistant to change ... its symbol is the Bull and its glyph is the head and horns of the Bull - symbolically the glyph is a half-moon forming a cup that rests on the circle of the Sun ... the cup representing material wealth and power derived through the force of the will (the circle) ... the Bull can be strong, stubborn, plodding, and can be both fierce and gentle ... Anatomically, Taurus rules the neck and the throat - there are a lot of Taurus born people that have beautiful speaking and singing voices, but their vulnerability is to colds, laryngitis, sore throats and thyroid problems ... Taurus is the sign directly opposite to Scorpio ...

Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus - the Roman goddess of beauty and the arts, pleasure and the emotions ... Venus bestows an influence towards a love of luxury and exceptional creative ability ... it is NOT the planet of SEX for those of you who think otherwise!!! ... Venus rules the throat, chin, cheeks, and the sense of taste, art, culture, aesthetics, possessions, partners, beauty, charm, good taste, sentimentality, sweets and sugar, color, harmony, poetry, paintings, jewelry, singing, drama, amd music ... it governs emotional contacts, tenderness, moral character, marriage and unions of every kind as well as sociability, disposition, luxuries, pleasure and appreciation ... in your natal chart, the place where you find Venus shows what you really enjoy !!!

Taurus is the natural ruler of the 2nd house of the horoscope which is a house of substance with its keyword being "values" ... this house indicates financial affairs, possessions (excluding real estate), investments, earning power, and any gain or loss through your own personal efforts ... it shows your inner talents and resources, your need for fulfillment, your emotional feelings, your sense of self-worth including your sense of values ... since there is a widespread belief that liberty is largely related to the money, the 2nd house is also the house of personal liberty ... it is also considered the house of material debt ...

The essence of the Sun in Taurus is living through stabilizing ... here we have the beauty (Venus) and the beast (the Bull) !!! ... the purpose of the Sun here is to maintain the stability of earthly things ... one may find it surprising to realize that the important main possessions here are a sense of Earthly harmony and wholesomeness, and not necessarily a substantial amount of money and material possessions ... there is the distinct ability to endure change with this energy ... it is also interesting to note that when change has to be made and something must be let go of, when you let go and endure the change you ultimately discover how much more stable things actually become !!! ... Taurus energy challenges one to discover ones truest, deepest and highest values ... the greatest indication of values is beauty which is something that cannot be owned but only appreciated ... the energy of the Sun in Taurus can be expressed in the following ways:

POSITIVE: earthy, sensuous/artistic, productive, practical provider, steadfast and stable, unruffled and calm, even-tempered, soothing, self-trusting, loyal, perservering, trustworthy, appreciative, admiring, affectionate, aesthetic, physically comforting, magnetically healing, attractive

NEGATIVE: materialistic, gross and extravagant, plodding and ponderous, sluggish and lazy, boneheaded, boring, self-satisfied, possessive, stubborn, bigoted/fanatical, self-gratifying, idolatrous, lecherous, aloof, unaware of the "unseen", sucker for good looks, easily attached

Taurus born individuals you are beginning a new Solar year - HAPPY SOLAR RETURN !!! ... this is your time to really "shine" while all of us try to incorporate your natural born energy into our daily lives and learn from experiencing it ... here we are all challenged to discover our truest and highest values and then realize how well we can express them physically ...  hopefully one will come to the realization during the next thirty days that the value of Earthly things is simply that they serve to keep bodies happy and healthy ... the Sun remains in Taurus until May 21st ... now let's all get out there and get "bullish" on Springtime !!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011


PLUTO !!! ... the planet that has the energy to enable us with the capacity of self-transformation and self-renewal stationed retrograde early this morning, 4/9, at 4:49 AM EDT ... Pluto has been slowing down to retrograde technically since the end of February at 7 degrees of Capricorn ... while in Capricorn we can expect deep-reaching transformation of the social order and laws, corporate structures and in the areas of personal responsibility, fulfillment of duties, and general awakening as to personal destiny ... we might also expect some changes in the geographical structure of the earth as well - noticed the increased frequency of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions since Pluto entered Capricorn ??? 

This Pluto retrograde has a "duality of its purpose" ... being in Capricorn, that means Pluto is working with Saturn energy as it is the natural ruler of Capricorn ... currently Saturn is also in a retrograde journey in the sign of Libra ... so in addition to the aforementioned areas where change might occur while Pluto retrogrades in Capricorn, there will certainly be issues with partnerships/relationships both public and private ( all ruled by Libra) - a lot to deal with !!!

Scorpio born individuals this is your yearly period of review and analysis of what is transpiring in your life and especially what has transpired in your life since September 13th/14th of last year that is urging you to transform and regenerate some aspect of your life - in other words, where MUST change take place ??? ... also remember if you have a Scorpio Moon or Ascendant you may be more sensitive to the retrograde period as well - Moon people through emotional issues and Ascendant people through issues of how you project yourself out into the world ... also if you know which house in your natal chart Pluto is currently transiting through, that "stage" of life will produce some interesting and possibly challenging energy ... I have also been told several times that when an outer planet - Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - shifts directions - a slightly increased number of "souls" tend to leave the planet ... something to possibly watch especially at the very beginning of the retrograde period and at the end ...

Capricorn born individuals, this can also be a very intense period for you as well since Pluto is transiting through your birth sign ... and Cancer born individuals may feel the "heat" as well since Pluto is transiting the sign opposite your birth sign making what is often a challenging aspect to your natal Sun placement ...

Pluto naturally rules the elimination and reproduction systems of the body so there could be issues there ... maybe, maybe not ... Pluto is also the natural ruler of the 8th house - which includes the support you receive from other people including financial, moral, spiritual and physical ... it addresses legacies, trusts, wills, taxes, insurance matters and lets not forget "secrets", sex, spiritual and physical regeneration, psychological rebirth and degeneration and death - not necessarily actual physical though .... also occult matters, sleep, deep research, investigation, hidden assets - including the assets of partners and alimony .. and finally, surgery ... needless to say that any of these areas are fair game during the Pluto retrograde ...

Pluto is an outer planet and its energy is directed towards not only personal but generational transformation, so it makes this a time for everyone to step back and review how each one of us is contributing to the future and evolution of mankind and the Earth, or perhaps how we are working towards destroying it ... it’s important to become more conscious of how we individually and collectively impact the Earth and our fellow human beings ...

Pluto remains retrograde until September 16th ... as the planet of change, upheaval, transformation, destruction and rebirth, Pluto retrograde certainly has the potential to shake things up ... and one thing is absolutely for sure where Pluto is involved ....


Monday, April 4, 2011


Neptune, the planet representing the spiritual or escapist urge, the Universal, the ethereal, the mysterious and the mystical, completed its 165 year journey around the Zodiac and returned home to the sign it rules, Pisces, to begin its initial transit this morning, 4/4, at 9:36 AM EDT … it takes Neptune roughly 14-15 years to transit a sign so this is really considered a generational planet … Pisces born, and even Pisces Moon and Rising Signs, your ruling planet has come back to guide you with compassion and insight … but hopefully it will do so for all of us during its transit ….

This is the ending of the first complete transit of Neptune through the Zodiac since “officially” being discovered in September of 1846 … it was actually observed in October 1845 and then again in June of 1846 but was dismissed … when it was “officially” discovered, Neptune was completing its transit through the sign of Aquarius … it actually entered the sign of Pisces in 1847 …

Neptune was last in the sign of Pisces from 1847 – 1862 … some of the events occurring during that time included Brigham Young settling in Utah with the Mormons, John Sutter starting the California “Gold Rush”, Ferdinand de Lessups building the Suez canal, Marx and Engels writing “The Communist Manifesto”, Darwin developing the theory of Evolution, and this period saw the beginnings of the study of oceanography …

Some of the areas Neptune rules include: maritime matters, liquids, movies, stage and television, glamour, dreams, illusion, delusion, spirituality, mystery, anesthetics, love of poetry, color, dancing, drugs, drug addiction, alcoholism, hypochondria, hypnosis and abnormality …

In Pisces, Neptune’s qualities of spirituality and creative genius will be enhanced, especially for those born under this energy, and therefore may produce many great and gifted mystics, artists and spiritual leaders … these people will be deep thinkers with a profound understanding about the meaning of life … their compassion may be enhanced by intense psychic powers … there are many astrologers who think this generation could possibly bring in a period of ultimate self-realization and hopefully be able to bring peace and tranquility into the world … Neptune here does NOT value materialism, so this generation will be interested in exploring the inner man and woman …

In Pisces, for all of us, inspiration and potential for spiritual growth will be enhanced … there will be great strides and enhanced creative expression for people in any field of the arts … new medical discoveries will occur … new cultural concepts will be developed … there will most likely be a change on the face of religion in general but not necessarily in a bad way … there will be more of a tendency to explore and develop our inner selves yielding the possibility of attaining the capability of harmony between the physical and spiritual world … this energy will make us potentially more psychic, generous, understanding, responsive to the environment, more mystical and compassionate ... but it could also lead us in the other direction making us more gullible, passive, self-destructive and likely becoming a victim to all kinds of addictions … it is definitely a good time to start paying attention to your dreams as the Universe will undoubtedly be bringing us vital information while we sleep – keep a dream journal close by !!!

So the ultimate question here becomes whether we will give in to numerous savior/victim associations becoming separated from reality and runaway into escapism lost in a world of illusion, or will we reach new heights of empathy, compassion and spiritual attainment … If we use this energy positively we indeed will be more compassionate, self-sacrificing, intuitive, artistic and creative … used negatively we will end up melancholy, an escapist, a procrastinator, vague, and likely to become a victim of many forms of addiction including drugs and alcohol …

We only get a brief exposure to this energy for the time being as Neptune will transit no further than 1 degree of Pisces when it begins its retrograde journey for 2011 in June … during the retrograde it will briefly return to the sign of Aquarius back down to 28 degrees for some last minute business, and once back in direct motion will return to Pisces for its complete transit on February 3rd, 2012 not completing its journey there until January 2026 … so for now, immerse yourself in the waters of compassion, creativity and spirituality … and no matter what dreams may come - and they will in numbers - know that with Neptune in Pisces, dreams will definitely become reality !!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Mars, the planet symbolizing raw energy and the urge to get what you want and includes the drive - be it sexual drive, initiative or courage - began its transit through the sign of Aries early this morning, Saturday 4/2, at 12:51 AM EDT ... Mars has come home to the sign it naturally rules and operates very efficiently here .. it has the greatest potential to be very constructive or extremely destructive when infused with the energy of Aries depending on how the energy is used ...

Mars in Aries needs to be physically active and tends to be naturally assertive ... it is direct, forceful, and highly competitive ... self-expression is very important here as is the need to do your own thing ... should ones free self-expression be blocked there is the risk of repression - which could lead to some form of illness, projection - which can lead to confronting aggression in others, or displacement - which could lead to fighting with team members ... finding areas where one can be spontaneous is important ... there could be a flair for starting things - which sometimes are not finished after they lose their initial novelty!!!, or there could be mechanical skills ... this energy is very good for facing obstacles and at confrontation but there may be a need to control being too rash or impatient ... one best functions with a lot of freedom, variety, and a chance to be a pioneer ... with this energy comes great restlessness, being willful and a high degree of inititative, sexual drive and physical energy ... sometimes sexual matters may be handled very impulsively ... identity is usually tied to independence and spontaniety ... it has been said that anger and self-assertion are at their most honest here ... this Mars gets mad, gets it out and gets over it ...

The essence of Mars in Aries is getting through doing ... there is usually a reliable but uncontainable supply of raw energy which must have an outlet and ultimately a direction ... here we have a no-nonsense approach to things ... sometimes it may become necessary to stop and ask oneself "What am I actually after?" ... there is definitely a lot of get-up-and-go as well as ones share of hard knocks ... courage and initiative are usually at the top of the priority list, but love and patience are frequently missing ... one can rather easily spark enthusiasm in others with this energy ... Mars in Aries is very much the "warrior" or "Amazon" ... the best expression of this Martian energy is that of the untiring champion of the underdog using both word and deeds to help promote your cause ... showing people what you can do rather than what they should do can set an inspiring and uplifting example ... the energy of Mars in Aries can be expressed in the following ways:

POSITIVE: self-assured, self-willed, independent, survivor, bold, energetic, fighter, fearless, direct, brisk, championing, outspoken, daring, dashing, exhilirating, spirited, leader-type, strong stamina, enthusiastic, self-starting

NEGATIVE: inner doubt, egocentric, unco-operative, selfish, aggressive, pushy, militant, violent, unsubtle, intolerant, quarrelsome, foolhardy, exhausting, ostentatious, bullying, insensitive, insatiable, self-defeating, anger ridden

With Mars in Aries, it benefits one to direct their energies into a worthwhile cause rather than bullying and badgering others ... knowing who and what you are dependent on not only emancipates but supports you ... Aries born individuals this is roughly a six week period for you to be infused with and extra boost of energy even though you probably have more than enough energy to get you through naturally ... use it constructively and not destructively ... Mars now joins the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus and remains in Aries until May 11th ...

BUT HOLD ON A MINUTE !!! ... even though we are bestowed with all this fiery energy to move forward and start new beginnings especially with Mars now in the mix, do not forget there is something peeing on this parade ... you guessed it ... Mercury is currently RETROGRADE in the sign of Aries so it is bound to be affecting all of this energy on some level ... we may not actually feel the full impact of this Mars transit until after April 23rd when Mercury stations back into direct motion ... and then ... LOOKOUT - it's anyones guess how the rush of the fiery energy in so many planets will play out in our personal lives and on a global level ... by April 23rd, the Sun will have left the party but Venus will have joined the festivities - all the personal planets in the sign of Aries - WOW !!! ... nevertheless, it is still time as Mars begins its transit through the sign of Aries to at least start making plans to take charge of and begin to change something in our lives to be more productive and promote personal growth !!!