Monday, February 26, 2024


MERCURY began its dream-like transit through the highly perceptive, psychic sign of Pisces on Friday, February 23rd, at 2:29 AM EST ... while Mercury is in Pisces, the thinking and communicating will be greatly influenced by and through our emotions as Pisces is a water sign, so the mind and tongue will tend to be sensitive, or overly sensitive in some cases, and intuitive with a large dose of compassion thrown in ... Mercury was last in Pisces from March 2nd through March 19th, 2023 !!!

Mercury is said to be in "detriment" in Pisces ... in "detriment" as it is in the sign opposite to the one it naturally rules - in this case being in Pisces opposite to Virgo one of the two signs it naturally rules ... so it is not operating at its full power taking on more of the signs rather than the planet's coloration, and thus visiting where it must conform to rules and regulations of that particular sign ... however, even though it may be frequently challenged by this, Mercury in Pisces still has great potential to produce some highly inspired and creative thinking and ways of communicating !!!

One will often express their intelligence sympathetically ... if one feels safe they can be talkative and very sociable, but if not they will clam up very fast ... this energy gives one a poetic expression or ones language may be lovely and engaging ... communication here is made idealistically, imaginatively or perhaps evasively ... frequently one can make communications with other people on a non-verbal level, and one may be psychically or spiritually tuned in ... one can uplift others through their thinking and/or communicating ... often there is a wonderfully creative imagination and beauty can be created with either the mind or with ones hands ... interests are usually geared toward areas that are inspirational such as art, nature or the spirit !!!

One could be inclined towards fantasy, evasion, avoidance or denial if what is perceived does not match ones inner ideals ... the phrase "what if ???" may frequently cloud the reasoning process with this energy ... overall, one can be quite flexible in their thinking, have a holistic approach, or even have a natural talent for synthesizing and seeing the whole of any situation ... sometimes the energy of Mercury in Pisces can produce the image of the "absent minded" professor ... one must also take extra care here as Pisces, which is ruled by Neptune the planet of illusion and escapism, can lure one to escape "mental" reality especially through drugs and alcohol !!!

Mercury in Pisces teaches us how to think and process through what we are willing and capable of accepting ... it's the poetic mind ... the dreamer of dreams ... the mind is very sensitive under this energy and it can absorb as much information as - if not more than - it learns ... sometimes thoughts and notions will appear to have come from "somewhere else" which will cause doubt in their truth and thus eventually lead to a form of mental exhaustion as a result of resisting cerebral sensitivity and reasoning ... even though this is more the mind of the poet rather than the technician, one is still able to "dream up" both scientific and artistic visions ... here the mind thinks in pictures and one can richly profit by drawing from ones dream life ... it is highly suggested to keep a dream journal - you may be surprised how creatively and divinely inspiring, and in some cases down right prophetic, your dreams become from the unconscious influence of the universe !!!

Mercury in Pisces bestows the potential ability to be in touch mentally with the Collective Unconscious and navigate the vast sea of all the thoughts and feelings that ever were or ever will be ... it is wise to accept and to understand the channel-like quality of ones mind here and to always give expression to what is coming through ... the energy of Mercury in Pisces can be expressed the following ways:

POSITIVE: imaginative, sensitive mind, visually aware, artistic, obliging, psychic, good instincts, receptive, humorous, versatile, good mimic, highly perceptive, philosophical, dreamer, good long-term memory, accepting, refined mind, contemplative, gentle, sympathetic

NEGATIVE: suspicious, evasive, easily freaked out, lazy, easily swayed, irrational, fearful, gullible, obscure, vague, uncommunicative, absent-minded, bad short-term memory, elusive, weak-minded, slow, wimpish, at a loss for words, seeing things

Mercury in Pisces encourages each one to understand that what one lacks in knowledge one makes up for in understanding - so take your time ... you have the power to choose what you take "on board" as you navigate through these emotional waters, and it's up to you to discover how to use it ... use your imagination in a creative fashion instead of becoming a victim of it !!!

Mercury now joins the Sun, Saturn and Neptune already transiting through the mystical "waters" of Pisces ... the mind will certainly be actively influenced by many inspirational and highly imaginative factors, and possibly as well as being influenced by a "higher" realm of inspiration ... it is up to each one of us to determine what is real and what is fleeting ... keep an open mind and allow the Universe to show you a slice of its infinite wisdom and its creative process at work and how you might incorporate that into producing greater personal and spiritual growth in your life !!!

Mercury remains in the sign of Pisces until March 10th !!!

For those of you keeping track of what the "trickster" is doing and like to plan ahead, this is the last full sign transit before Mercury takes its first full retrograde journey of 2024 ... this will occur from April 1st through April 25th completely in the sign of Aries going from 27 degrees 13 minutes Aries back to 15 degrees 58 minutes Aries ... Mercury enters its first shadow point for 2024 on March 19th when it reaches 27 degrees 13 minutes Aries ... if you've had a natal chart done, be sure and check to see in what house or houses these degrees fall and you might get an idea of where in your life this potentially disruptive energy may be especially pronounced !!!

Meanwhile it's time to "begin, with a spin ... traveling in the world of our own creation ... what we'll see ... will defy ... explanation" !!!

Monday, February 19, 2024


The SUN began its transit through the dreamy, mystical, self-sacrificing sign of Pisces yesterday, February 18th at 11:13 PM EST ... the 12th and final sign of the astrological "year" and the final sign of Winter in the Northern hemisphere and Summer in the Southern hemisphere ... the solar energy now shifts from the rebellious, unpredictable marching to the beat of a different drummer to "swimming" through emotionally compassionate yet sometimes very confusing and deceptive waters ... don't be surprised if waves of emotions play a large part in your life experiences and decisions over the next 30 days !!!

While the Sun transits through Pisces, one may be encouraged to strive to create beauty, become more compassionate, to gain insight from allowing psychic openness, or seek recognition through spiritual or mystical paths ... those born under the sign of Pisces have come in with a soul lesson of needing to learn peace !!!

Pisces is a feminine, water, mutable (flexibility/changeability) sign ... its symbol is two fish tied together - swimming in opposite directions which signify hidden depths, shifting emotional currents, conflicting desires and extremes of temperament ... its glyph is considered a picture of the human feet ... in symbolic terms the glyph is two crescent moons connected by a straight line representing emotion and higher consciousness tied to and limited by the material world ... its key phrase is "I BELIEVE" and its keyword is UNDERSTANDING ... it is the sign opposite of Virgo ... anatomically it rules the pineal glands - in association with its ruling planet - and the feet !!!

The modern ruling planet of Pisces is Neptune (Jupiter is the ancient ruler) - Ancient God of the seas, second of the modern planets to be discovered (1846), and is the planet of illusion, glamour, mystery, and deception ... Neptune represents the spiritual and the escapist urge, and its keyword is INTUITION ... it rules maritime matters, liquids, music, movies, stage and television, dreams, delusion, spirituality, ideals, mystique, hunches, creative functions, and things we take  deeply for granted in life without questioning ... it also governs fog, petroleum, mystery, anesthetics, flattery, intangibles, fragrances, second sight, love of poetry, color and dancing ... in addition under its rule comes drugs and drug addiction, alcoholism, hypochondria, sleepwalking, trances, hypnosis, immateriality and abnormality ... its action is often subtle and gradual ... it is the higher vibrational octave of Venus and considered to be the second of the transcendental planets ... where you find Neptune in your natal chart is where you seek the "ideal", but where you also might tend to deceive yourself and/or others !!!

Pisces is the natural sign and ruler of the 12th house of the horoscope ... the keyword for the 12th house is SUBCONSCIOUS and it is a house of endings - after all it is the final sign of the zodiac!!! ... the 12th house represents your inner strengths and weaknesses ... it depicts behind the scenes activity - including clandestine affairs - restorative solitude, places of quiet reflection, sorrows, handicaps, secrets, seclusion and frustration can also indicate places of confinement such as jails, hospitals or mental institutions, as well as secret (hidden) enemies, restraint, inhibitions, exile, hidden dangers and self-undoing shows the things we hide from others, and research, background, subjective sustainment, inner consciousness and the subconscious mind !!!

Here we also find charity, sympathy and public welfare ... it is frequently referred to as the closet or dustbin of ones horoscope since it is in this house where we tend to sweep away or hide problems which are often too painful to face or difficulties that we refuse to acknowledge ... sometimes it can be a very creative area of the natal horoscope and can reflect ones aptitude for art, music, dancing, writing or acting !!!

Sun in Pisces teaches us how we increase personal growth and awareness through accepting ... life is a mystery and each one of us IS the mystery !!! ... under this energy one is innately aware and appreciative of all walks of life ... here one recognizes that the Soul of anything or of anyone is synonymous with sensitivity, which is synonymous with suffering, which is something one is undeniably aware of - joy and sorrow are one ... the energy of the Sun in Pisces can be expressed in the following ways:

POSITIVE: compassionate, self-sacrificing, suffers artistically, unassuming, self-effacing, gentle, still but stirring, wise, accepting, adaptable, confided in, sensitive, fascinating, mysterious, imaginative, multi-talented, selfless, devoted, easygoing

NEGATIVE: self-pitying, the human doormat, suffers needlessly, indecisive, self-limiting, wimpish, inwardly storm-tossed, inner doubts, oblivious, vague, not forthcoming, escapist, deceptive, self-mystifying, impressionable, pointless, slaving, lazy

HAPPY SOLAR RETURN ALL PISCES BORN - your new astrological year has begun !!!  

The Sun, which now joins Saturn and Neptune already transiting through the sign of Pisces, remains in Pisces until March 19th !!!

Through the energy of Pisces, one can INSPIRE others in many ways while being influenced - just don't forget to take some credit for it but then forget that you did ... give yourself to yourself before anyone else ... become illuminated and enlightened - now is the time to explore your spirituality and life's intriguing mysteries !!!

Dream, mystify, create, inspire, enlighten, be compassionate and believe in those fairy tale endings ... BUT ... be cautious ere you make a dangerous detour and fall into the watery depths of addiction, depression and deception !!! 

Saturday, February 17, 2024


VENUS began her often "shocking", unpredictable and unconventional transit through the progressive, rebellious sign of Aquarius yesterday, February 16th at 11:05 AM EST ... this transit of Venus yields the potential to breathe some rather radical new life to any form of love that has become stale, stagnant and/or non-productive - or perhaps it will quickly bring an end to some relationship(s) letting you know in no uncertain terms it is time to MOVE ON !!! ... Venus in Aquarius is a detached yet magnetic love as well as highly unconventional varying greatly from the norm - you will love this Venus for who she is and NOT for what you want her to be or best be a good idea to move on ... keep in mind that under this energy the attraction leading to a relationship and love may arise suddenly and quite unexpectedly and often times end just like that  ... Venus was last in Aquarius from January 2nd through January 26th, 2023 !!!

Venus in Aquarius can be extremely unpredictable and her capacity for love truly marches to the beat of a different drum!!! ... it indeed likes being unusual or going against the norm in some form or fashion ... it will often try anything once just for kicks and to be bold and daring ... relationships can be casual, erratic or pursued with openness and tolerance ... affection is expressed experimentally, freely, and unconventionally ... pleasure is derived from being unique and sometimes downright kinky !!! ... the handling of money and possessions can be progressive, intellectual, unpredictable, changeable, or even rebellious - to that end financial security can swing up and just as suddenly and unexpectedly swing down !!! 

Freedom AND friendship is a requirement in love relationships ... trying to tie this Venus down is a big NO-NO - well except when you are, oh wait ... that's a whole other story !!! ... this energy is often viewed as cool and aloof and one can come across as impersonal and detached ... people of a race, creed, or gender that shock others may sometimes become ones object of affection !!!

Venus in Aquarius gives a kind and loving nature ... it makes one helpful, charitable, but NOT an emotional person ... PERSONAL FREEDOM IS OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE !!! ... in any relationship there must be the ability to explore varied interests and hobbies, meet new people, and enjoy a wide range of friends ... jealousy is not tolerated and overly emotional scenes will usually cause one to walk away ... this energy is more likely to have platonic friendships because sexual involvements are more emotionally binding than is desired here ... immense popularity and an attraction of many lovers is possible but not of the long lasting variety - romantic attractions are usually sudden and unexpected and can end just as suddenly and unexpectedly as they began!!! ... personal magnetism is directed toward larger concerns than mere romance ... if one wants to remain close to someone under this energy, they must allow their romantic or friendship interest freedom in their relationships with others !!!

Venus in Aquarius teaches us how to learn to love through liberation - LOVE MUST BE SET FREE !!! ... there is an open minded and experimental approach to relating and to artistic expression ... it is often difficult for others to see where you are coming from emotionally as ones style can be disconcerting, shocking or just  outright odd !!! ... the ironic twist here is that this energy wants to allow a partner the freedom and space to do as they please, but by giving too much freedom it might actually begin to seem as though the partner doesn't care about you ... the secret though is to learn how to reveal, in a heartfelt way of course, your opinions and questions regarding the freedom of love for the person or persons to whom you feel the closest !!!

Venus  in Aquarius can be socially inventive and creatively innovative ... love and friendship absolutely MUST coexist here!!! ... and while there is certainly the idea that with all this unpredictability and need for freedom that lasting love just might be impossible under this energy, one must remember that Aquarius is a FIXED sign !!! ... the energy one might encounter with Venus in Aquarius may include:

POSITIVE: free-loving, idealistic, easygoing, liberal, original lover, non-possessive, unique, mild, cultured, experimental, progressive, eclectic, sparkling, popular, friendly, tongue-in-cheek, convincing, refined, quietly persevering, humane

NEGATIVE: lacks feelings, naive, indiscriminate, erratic, odd lover, unfeeling, peculiar, touchy, insincere, kinky, superficial, promiscuous, impersonal, flattering, sarcastic, stubborn, manipulative, uncompromising, reactionary

Aquarius born individuals, the Universe is energizing you with luck and opportunity while shining the light of love on you for the next few weeks so keep your eyes and ears and heart open and ask for what you want ... as if you weren't truly different enough, others may realize now just how unique you are, so you just might get it ... Taurus/Libra born, your ruling planet is moving into a new sign - ready to learn some new and possibly highly unusual lessons about LOVE and MONEY - in fact are we all ???

For everyone, Venus in Aquarius has the potential to suddenly and unexpectedly pop our eyes wide open to see and realize there is a different way that may be unique and ahead of its time to understand the process of love and how we approach it as well as how we handle finances !!! 

Venus now joins the Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Pluto already in transit through Aquarius ... that is five planets, including the personal planets - Mercury, Venus, Mars - bolting through the "electrically" charged energy of this sign which can produce so many sudden and unexpected twists and turns ... in fact, right from the start,Venus will be in conjunction to Pluto which has the potential to bring some very deep transformation, change and even healing to our most intimate relationships ... and it may have the same effect on our financial situations as well ... Venus remains in Aquarius until March 11th !!! 

As Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus, the planet of the sudden and unexpected, try to enjoy this unusual and open minded energy after wading through the rather "vanilla" flavored energy of Venus in Capricorn - which there is certainly nothing wrong at all with, right my fellow Cappies ??? ... and should someone approach you and say "WHO'S YA DADDY ???", just realize they are being infused with this delightfully twisted energy so go for it and play along - you just might enjoy it - OH SNAP !!!

By all means keep in mind that while Venus transits through Aquarius, and as Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus which, among other things, rules Astrology, there is definitely a strong possibility you just might realize there is a "certain" ASTROLOGER out there that you discover you've developed quite a fondness for !!!   

Wednesday, February 14, 2024


MARS began its fiery transit through the rebellious, progressive sign of Aquarius yesterday, February 13th, at 1:05 AM EST ... Mars functions well in Aquarius, perhaps a little too well at times, since it is an Air sign and what does Air do ???? ... that's right - IT GIVES LIFE TO FIRE - and this is not exactly good news for the current state of events in the world !!!

Mars was last in Aquarius from March 6th through April 20th, 2020 - right when the "pandemic" was getting "fired up" !!! ... anything come to mind from that period that included taking initiative in getting what you want, sexual drive, using strength and courage in pursuing your desires ... all areas Mars naturally rules ??? ... no telling what kind of aggressive actions will be manifested with Mars being influenced by the energy of the ruling planet of Aquarius - Uranus the planet of the sudden and unexpected !!! ... so now Mars is in a "planetary relationship" with Uranus ... AND keep in mind Pluto is now back in Aquarius making its second initial approach through the sign ... SO ... you have both Mars and Pluto rumbling around in a "relationship" with Uranus ... if you ran an event chart for Mars ingress into Aquarius you would notice that right off the bat Mars entered in conjunction with Pluto - a very challenging aspect if the resulting energy is handled poorly ... and that energy might make itself troublesome during the entire transit of Mars ... might be a good idea to find out in which house/houses these two planets are transiting around your natal chart in order to get an idea of where this forceful energy might potentially play out in the area of your life life ruled by those house or houses ... furthermore - when Mars, Pluto and Aquarius cross paths they DO NOT PLAY AROUND ... LOOK OUT - many may need to learn to "drop back and punt" and just BREATHE !!!

In Aquarius, the energy of Mars is expressed on a mental plane ... actions may be quick, but one must be committed intellectually ... this energy makes one very people-oriented and often involved in a wide variety of projects ... usually there is some element of reform or fighting for freedom somewhere in the outlook ... Mars in Aquarius can be high-strung and unpredictable creating a struggle between wanting to do things independently and getting involved in group activities ... one usually tries to deal with sexual relationships here rationally but may swing back and forth between passionate involvement and detachment ... this energy often bestows acute insight into human nature !!!

Mars in Aquarius is naturally independent, unconventional and unique ... being a distinct individual is essential with this energy ... spontaneous inclination is geared towards tolerance, openness, and a willingness to fight for equal opportunity ... identity is tied to progress, the future and anything new and on the cutting edge ... there is a strong need for free expression and broad perspectives ... passion sometimes ends up being sidetracked into a detached or scientific perspective ... physical energy and sexual drive are fueled by variety, mental stimulation, freedom, experimentation and the possibility of something new on the cutting edge that is moving towards the future ... one needs openness and free flow in life here !!!

Mars in Aquarius teaches all about getting what we want through liberating ... this is the freedom fighter - the leader  of the pack !!! ... one is usually willing to go out on a limb to get what they want when inspired by this energy ... what truly motivates one here is having to "buck" some kind of system - be it family, partners, friends or anything that seems to be limiting ones freedom ... without sufficient freedom ones personal vital energies become blocked up inside ... one is often motivated by goals for the common good that often involve benefiting all forms of life in addition to human ... ultimately ones interest in ones self must be aligned with the interest of others ... the ultimate lesson of this energy is that inventiveness and the quickness with which one learns from their mistakes become shining examples of how human beings can best get along in this world!!! ... the energy of Mars in Aquarius can be expressed in the following ways:

POSITIVE: independent, unconventional, complex, original, progressive, reformist, humanitarian, idealistic, resolute, resourceful, group leader, co-operative, surprising, high-spirited, active, stimulating, sexually free, sexually experimental, non-possessive, cool

NEGATIVE: cantankerous, perverse, contrary, peculiar, impatient, rebellious, superficial, escapist, inconstant, loner, uncooperative, erratic, disruptive, indolent, shocking, sexually loose, sexually irresponsible, unfeeling, cold

Aquarius born individuals you are being infused with an extra shot of energy - like you really need it with the Sun, Mercury and Pluto already in transit through your birth sign !!! ...  you are potentially enabled to get a lot of productive work accomplished - just as long as you don't get too explosive and run over the rest of us !!! ... but the question continues to become what truly will occur as your ruling planet is still transiting through the sign of Taurus which, being an earth sign, likes to take things at a very slow and steady pace ??? ... Aries born, as well as Aries Moon and Rising sign born, your ruling planet is now a "partner in crime" with Uranus so take care not to go too far too fast ... in fact, we might all take heed to that sage advice !!!

Mars now joins the Sun, Mercury and Pluto already in transit through Aquarius with Venus to join the "rebellion" on February 16th ... we will then have Venus, planet of love and affection, transiting together with Mars, planet of initiative, aggression and passion, for the remainder of the month of February ... could be a very interesting month for partnerships/relationships as well as financial endeavors ... Mars remains in Aquarius until April 22nd !!!

During this transit of Mars through the sign of Aquarius, perhaps many of us may discover one is for all and all is for one !!!

Tuesday, February 6, 2024


MERCURY began its "unpredictable" transit through the intellectual, highly unconventional sign of Aquarius yesterday, February 5th, at 12:10 AM EST ... Mercury is considered to be in "exaltation" in the sign of Aquarius meaning it is in a sign other than the one it rules - in this case being Gemini and Virgo - where its energy is expressed very harmoniously and its forces are increased as well as its virtues are magnified !!! ... Mercury's last complete transit through Aquarius occurred from February 12th through March 2nd, 2023 ... Mercury is now in a "relationship" with Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, so expect the thinking and communicating to be potentially unique and even perhaps somewhat defiant !!!

Mercury in Aquarius makes the mind and tongue tend to be unconventional sometimes to the extreme of shocking other people ... yours truly was born with this placement and I can vouch for the truth of this statement !!! ... communication is made intelligently, objectively, openly, and independently... language used can be very individualistic and sometimes rebelliously ... one thinks for them self and usually resists other people's answers ... learning is best done through questioning authority and seeking out unique experiences ... the mind is experimental, innovative, and future oriented ... one wants to explore all possibilities while keeping options open ... there is the tendency to jump from idea to idea resulting perhaps from an intuitive flash or brainstorming ... one must be careful not to become a victim of fragmented or erratic thinking ... there are usually excellent verbal skills here ... one can be quite objective allowing them to talk with just about anyone ... connections are best made on an individual basis ... interests usually include anything new age - oh say like astrology, numerology and tarot - and anything unusual, different, technological or progressive ... this energy frequently gives one the mind of a computer as well as the soul of a rebel !!!

Mercury in Aquarius usually indicates a fine and clever mind that is accurate, inventive and inquisitive ... people born under this energy - like yours truly !!! - often take a great interest in other people and have excellent judgment of human nature ... there is a love of analyzing character and motivation, and the finely tuned powers of observation that accompany this energy allow one to predict accurately how someone will react in a given situation ... Mercury here makes one a rather notorious people-watcher, and gives one a broad and emotionally detached outlook ... Aquarius is known as the sign of the truth-seeker and that characterizes the way this mind works ... sometimes one may seem eccentric as the ideas are so advanced ... and one may also enjoy saying things simply to shock other people - absolutely priceless, right ???

Mercury in Aquarius gives the mind the need for a lot of stimulation and activity ... interests are pursued thoroughly because of the capability of pursuing a train of thought for very long periods ... one is also capable of great inventive originality ... there is a desire to understand how the Universe is linked together ... one must be careful here of the powerful tendency toward abstraction causing one to become too detached and end up living in a mental environment that may be a long way from the reality of others around you ... also one may find that the thoughts speed so fast that one forgets to finish sentences - thinking others will understand where your thoughts were going - or one finishes other people's sentences for them in order to get on to the next topic ... a benefit of this energy is becoming aware that the individual mind is ultimately NOT separated from the Universal mind !!!

Mercury in Aquarius is all about learning to think through liberating ... one perceives things mentally in a manner that seems to others as highly unlikely or even odd ... there is a definite streak of stubbornness running through the mind which is a result of having a sense of the "Truth" and understanding how things really  are ... one has to be careful of the inherent blind spot which is detached objectivity to the point of missing the emotional factors in a given situation ... one of the main challenges of this energy is to learn to communicate ones vision and help others see life from a point beyond their personal hopes and fears ... the energy of Mercury in Aquarius can be expressed in the following ways :

POSITIVE: original thinker, inventive, unorthodox, comprehensive, scientific, objective, concise, well-informed, unable to be shocked, open-minded, truth-loving, perceptive, progressive thinker, Utopian, reformist, socially aware, intuitive, cosmically aware, telepathic and inspiring mind

NEGATIVE: way-out thinker, cranky, irrelevant, disjointed, clinical, lacks warmth, abrupt, unfeeling, indifferent, fixed opinions, contrary, emotionally blind, out of "time", unrealistic, reactionary, anti-social, scatterbrained, spaced out, overactive mind

Mercury now joins the Sun and Pluto already transiting through Aquarius with Venus and Mars to join the "rebellion" by mid month ... and that is a lot of energy driving us to be free-thinking, liberated and not putting up with any kind of limiting actions or restrictions !!! 

Mercury remains in Aquarius until February 23rd !!!  

HEADS UP !!! ... only one more complete sign transit, that being Pisces, before Mercury takes its first full retrograde journey for 2024 from April 1st through April 25th completely in the sign of Aries going from 27 degrees 13 minutes back to 15 degrees 58 minutes of Aries ... Mercury enters its next shadow point on March 19th when it reaches 15 degrees 58 minutes Aries !!!

During Mercury's transit through Aquarius, try thinking with a very open mind and remember that the truth often awakens like a flash of lightning - are you  prepared to be "struck" ???