Monday, September 9, 2024



MERCURY, which originally entered the sign of Virgo on July 25th, finally, after its most recent retrograde period, ended its extended transit through Leo and reentered to make its complete transit through the highly focused sign of Virgo today, September 9th, at 2:50 AM EDT ... below is a reminder of what this energy is all about should the most recent Mercury retrograde period from August 5th through August 28th have left you a little foggy !!!   

Thinking and communicating processes now shift from what was a fiery, highly creative energy to being more rational and efficient sometimes to a fault  ... and even though Virgo is an Earth sign which is somewhat prone to slower movement,  Mercury is dignified in this position, very happy and very much at home here and functions well as this is one of the two signs it naturally rules - the other being Gemini ... Mercury was last in Virgo from July 28th through October 4th, 2023 ... a longer than normal transit due to a retrograde period and that was the case again this time around as well !!!

Mercury in Virgo usually gives the mind a rather precise, thorough and analytical ability ... communications and thinking can be logical, helpful, critical, negative, skeptical, practical or humble ... one is apt to put their mind to work doing their job ... this intellect is excellent for writing or technical crafts, and converting ideas into a tangible form ... there is a talent for organization, but sometimes the discriminating and highly focused mind could get mired in too many details and become excessively critical ... one of the challenges of this energy is to learn to step back and look at the bigger picture in addition to avoid getting immersed in all the fine details ... learning is best achieved in an organized sequence and a logical presentation !!!

Concern for details can often lead to the syndrome of "not being able to see the forest for the trees" ... there is also likely to be an interest in health, nutrition, competence and ones day to day work ... this Mercury says exactly what it wants to say - no more no less ... to quote a familiar television phrase,  this energy wants to know "Just the facts Ma'am" !!! ... it has a quick, dry wit, bestows a fine eye for detail, and usually produces very neat and readable handwriting ... this energy can also make one very skilled with their hands and often craftspeople are born with this energy in their natal chart !!!

Mercury in Virgo is very impartial and gets to sorting through all the details to where the logic and precision can discover the heart of the matter ... with this fine intelligence, systematically clarifying and refining information received and understanding the patterns comes naturally ... here we have a logical, practical mind that produces a quick learner ... on the challenging side, Mercury in Virgo can make ones mind so very active with all the extraneous processing that it is sometimes difficult to quiet and still the mind yielding restlessness and/or the inability to sleep ... just ask someone born with Mercury in Virgo !!!

Mercury in Virgo encourages us to learn to think by analyzing ... it's the pure mind ... the ability to reason functions very well here ... a big challenge though is to not live totally in your mind and understand there is a big difference between knowledge and actual experience ... this energy also can help one assist others in seeing things more clearly - in forms such as writing, editing, counseling, teaching, drawing and translating ... there is the ability to assimilate vast amounts of complex information !!!

Ironically, when it comes to expressing something close to ones heart, this energy can make one obscure it in a lot of irrelevant references ... this energy makes it necessary to thoroughly grasp a specific subject as without training or education one is more likely to suffer greater than others from being unemployed, underemployed or unemployable ... the ultimate goal with this energy is to appreciate that what gets in the way of understanding life is thinking way too much about it - a totally clear mind is really no mind at all !!!! .... the energy of Mercury in Virgo can be expressed in the following ways:

POSITIVE: analytical, objective, systematic, logical, discerning, precise, meticulous, clever, eloquent, well-read, well-informed, accurate, retentive memory, fast learner, highly efficient, good worker, modest, helpful, practical

NEGATIVE: unfeeling, remote, clinical, cold and dry, hypercritical, trivial, worrisome, wordy, bookish, intellectual snob, misses the point, greedy mind, impatient, high strung, workaholic, self-critical, skeptical, slave to reasoning, pointless

With Mercury in Virgo, we should remember that the point we are trying to communicate should be remembered, researched, rehearsed and then expressed ... make the best of what you actually know ... what's the use of knowing everything and feeling nothing ???

Mercury now joins the Sun currently transiting through the sign of Virgo !!! ... Mercury remains in Virgo until September 26th ...  Mercury will exit its retrograde zone on September 11th !!!

The thrust of Mercury's mission in Virgo boils down to encouraging us to analyze and scrutinize every piece of information, and to ultimately make sure we have crossed every T and dotted every I  .... over and over again which ironically is just what Mercury loves to do in Virgo anyway whether in direct or retrograde motion ... hopefully everyone  wont lose too much sleep while the mind is now racing while analyzing so much information that will be coming and going !!! 

Thursday, September 5, 2024


MARS - the planet representing the urge to get what you want, personal drive, sexual drive, initiative, courage, raw energy, as well as selfishness, abuse and violence -  began its transit through the emotional, nurturing sign of Cancer yesterday, September 4th, at 3:46 PM EDT ... Mars being a fiery planet does not fare too well in a water sign like Cancer as water tends to rain on its parade of initiative as well as aggression which in some cases can be a very good thing and in others cases very detrimental to its course of intended action !!!

Mars in Cancer is said to be in the sign of its "Fall" - that is it's in the sign opposite of Capricorn, where it is Exalted and tends to function even more efficiently than in the sign it naturally rules which is Aries ... so this Mars often has trouble expressing its true nature ... it's "fire" gets "watered" down and that can either produce irritating steam or sensual steamy energy ... it is like staying in someone's home where you do not feel comfortable !!! ... Mars was last in Cancer from March 25th through May 20th, 2023 - anything come to mind from that period in regards to this kind of energy produced when Mars transits Cancer ???

Mars in Cancer can be highly emotional and is pulled between expressing its feelings and holding them in ... there is a great need for emotional security ... one may assert themselves here indirectly, shyly, sensitively or carefully, but this Mars is definitely prone to emotional outbursts ... identity is closely tied to home, family, and feelings ... energy levels seem to rise and fall with ones moods ... if your heart is involved in something, then this energy can truly accomplish anything it sets its mind out to do ... anger is more often expressed through crying rather than screaming and yelling ... one has to be careful with this energy not to give too much to others just to avoid confrontation !!!

Mars in Cancer shows us that to get what we want, we must do so through nurturing ... its fighting or taking flight ... the sex drive is usually very strong here but that can be good or bad depending on how the energy is expressed ... one of the challenges with this energy is to find out what is really making you angry and deal with it ... figure out who or what it is that you genuinely care about also ... ultimately we must learn where the fine line falls between stimulation and outright aggravation !!! ... We now leave behind our minds being set on fire for a thirst of knowledge as well as the desire to move about and that drive becomes turned deeply inward to address our emotions and what we feel we must nurture !!! 

As Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and the Moon naturally rules the 4th house, we may encounter problems with the stomach - there could be a lot of you out there that become the victim of reflux, acid indigestion, heartburn, and frequent upset stomach issues ... also the home, family, the mother or a maternal figure, women in general and the public in general are areas where one could find issues arising if you react too quick without thinking things through ... and of course whichever house or houses the complete degrees of Cancer fall in your natal chart is certainly where you will find this increased "watered down burning" drive to occur !!!

This Martian energy likes close involvements, a secure sex life, and an active home life ... it does not like mild mannered emotions, distress within the family setting, inner doubts and domestic "fires" ... the energy of Mars in Cancer can be expressed in the following ways:

POSITIVE: sensuous, provocative, passionate, sexually subtle, tenacious, protective, bold, hardworking, complex, adaptable, sensitive, healing, intuitive, original, occultist

NEGATIVE: irritable, evasive, too intense, sexually unsure, possessive, defensive, compulsive, neurotic, moody, quarrelsome, confusing, fatalistic, weird, spooky/spooked

Mars is currently the only planet transiting through the sign of  Cancer and that may be enough at the moment considering all of the emotional issues we all are trying to deal with in our lives ... Mars will not make its complete transit through Cancer until April 17th/18th, 2025 and you know why ... obviously an excellent reason to find out which house or houses in your natal chart these 30 degrees fall !!!

Mars is currently "slowing down" to begin its next retrograde journey ... this will be a dual sign Mars retrograde occurring from December 6th through February 24th, 2025 going from 6 degrees 10 minutes Leo back to 17 degrees Cancer ... Mars will actually complete its first full transit through Cancer on November 3rd, but once retrograde will return to Cancer on January 6th, 2025 and once direct will move forward again and finally complete its transit through Cancer on April 17th/18th depending on which time zone in which you live ... Mars enters its next shadow point on October 5th !!!

CANCER BORN, there exists the potential for you to become restless and/or "fired up" about something or someone during this extended period ... as always be careful not to incinerate, or in this case should I say perhaps be careful not to flood others with your heightened emotional state, the object of your increased drive and desire - and that goes for everyone as well !!!

We all will be experiencing this energy on some level of our lives ... we will be urged to keep the "home fires" brightly lit, but we must be careful not to go overboard and end up  "burning down the house" or "crying yourself a river" !!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2024


URANUS - the planet known as the great awakener, the rebel, the planet of intuition and the sixth sense and sudden and unexpected change as well as revolutions and breakthroughs, radicals and radical ideas and behavior, the ruler of astrologers and inventors, and the planet closely associated with electricity, technology and electronics - began its retrograde journey for 2024 on Sunday, September 1st, at 11:18 AM EDT, at 27 DEGREES 15 MINUTES TAURUS ... where you find Uranus in your individual natal chart is usually where you tend to do the unusual and break from the norm ... Uranus, which takes 84 years to make a complete journey through the 12 signs of the Zodiac, most certainly marches to the beat of a different drum !!!! ... and if you know or are an Aquarius born individual, you probably understand this very well !!! ... Uranus was last retrograde from August 29th, 2023 through January 27th, 2024 !!!

Uranus is the planet of the unconscious, and even during a retrograde journey that is where its energy will be most highly concentrated ... however, during a retrograde period the energy will tend to be even more pronounced ... people born with Uranus retrograde in their natal chart - and there are a lot of us out there since Uranus retrogrades for about 5 months out of each year - are frequently found on the forefront when it comes to change and actions that are oriented towards the future and on the cutting edge ... the desire to reform or rebel is perhaps even stronger during a retrograde period than when Uranus is direct ... if you've had a natal chart run and know in which house or houses 27 DEGREES 15 MINUTES TAURUS back to 23 DEGREES 15 MINUTES TAURUS fall, then you might get an idea in what area of your life where this particular retrograde energy will most likely play out ... you might also want to check and see if you have any natal planets, regardless of sign placement, at or close to the degree of the beginning of the retrograde and the degrees that this retrograde period will cross back over as events can suddenly spring up in regards to the aspect Uranus might make !!!

During a transiting Uranus retrograde, it's time for each one of us to ask ourselves what changes do we see happening in the world and ask ourselves how we are contributing to or working against them ... it is very important during the retrograde period to look at the connections between ones own personal changes and those that are occurring around the world ... how are they connected and do we need to find a better way to do that ??? ... are we helping mankind move forward through positive growth or are we being counterproductive through our rebellion to assert our individuality, independence and freedom and ultimately causing more problems than we solve ???

As Uranus is currently in the later degrees of transiting through the sign of Taurus - where the lesson of this energy is all about "awakening" through learning to stabilize - the Universe has been giving not only Taurus born - who may have especially felt the impact of this retrograde along with the other earth signs those being Virgo, and Capricorn as well as the other fixed signs those being Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio - but everyone a glimpse of things to come and where CHANGE WILL NEED TO BE AND MUST BE ADDRESSED and WILL ULTIMATELY TAKE PLACE while Uranus transits Taurus ... Uranus is considered to be in its "fall" in Taurus as it opposite to the sign it is exalted in which is Scorpio ... in "fall", a planet can have difficulty in expressing its real nature ... it is said that in "fall", it's like the planet is visiting in someone else's house where it does not really feel comfortable ... so does this make its often disruptive, rebellious nature even more challenging or modify it somewhat ??? ... each individual will discover that on their own during this transit !!!

Uranus has been literally slowing down and sending out its often disruptive vibrational energy at the 27 degree Taurus position since August 7th creating a lot of tension, uproar and irritation on many levels no doubt especially since approximately August 26th as it was pretty much "astrologically" at a standstill ... the Universe has been making not only Taurus and Aquarius born - who may especially feel the impact of this retrograde - but everyone else aware there WILL BE CHANGE which NEEDS to be and MUST be addressed while Uranus is retrograde ,,, and it may not always be pleasant and/or easy in some cases ... but keep in mind for all the uproar Uranus can cause it frequently produces sudden and unexpected flashes of intuition and outright genius ... those who may be especially sensitive to this retrograde energy shift include Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn born as well as Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius !!!

There could be a lot of us who experienced this tension during this past week ... in some cases there may have been a sudden and/or unexpected change take place out of the blue ... or even a confrontational situation arose we were not expecting ... until the retrograde energy settles in, there could be instances of rebellion, disruption, explosions and confrontations !!!

Uranus remains retrograde for 151 days until January 30th, 2025 !!!

Aquarius born individuals, this is your yearly period to review and reflect on what is going on in your life and see how and where you might need to make some positive changes to further personal and spiritual growth ... you may especially want to pay attention to what has transpired in your lives since Uranus finished its last retrograde journey and resumed direct motion back on January 27th of this year ... along with Aquarius born individuals, we ALL will most likely have something illuminated from our subconscious that needs to be dealt with which certainly requires a necessary change as well as rethinking something somewhere in our lives that we suddenly and probably quite unexpectedly took action against to bring about change that perhaps now we realize wasn't the best course of action to have taken ... but will we willingly do this or will the Universe force us to come face to face with our erratic actions and be accountable for them ???

Now we have this "electrically" charged drive turned inward urging us to move forward with purpose, to be different, to be independent, to have our individual freedom, to do things suddenly and unexpectedly and to be downright rebellious - that's the way retrograde Uranus rolls ... or should I say shakes ???

One thing is for sure - when we are dealing with the sudden, unexpected, disruptive, revolutionary energy of Uranus, which can lead to something highly innovative and ahead of its time or perhaps negatively something that is disastrous and life changing in a way we didn't want, it makes it absolutely a time to be prepared to EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED ... so the ultimate question becomes - will you become a rebel with or without a specific cause ???