Monday, June 11, 2012


Jupiter - planet which represents growth, the laws, beliefs and ethics, expansion, opportunity, wealth, faith, higher education, travel, religion, philosophy, joy, goodwill, as well as excess – completed its journey through Taurus and began its transit through the sign of Gemini today, June 11th, at 1:22 PM EDT … this Jupiter energy is all about pursuing a quest for expanding knowledge and communications … for approximately the next twelve months, the Universe is asking us to increase our intellectual flexibility with Gemini being a mutable sign … there is a vast amount of information and knowledge out there that is waiting for us to discover and learn if we take the initiative and apply ourselves … and in the course of finding answers, we may well discover these answers will end up yielding even more questions … the time has come to begin to open our minds to a much broader spectrum of truths and beliefs … the Universe has put each one of us on a steep learning curve in the school of life … Here we have Jupiter in a relationship with Mercury which is the planetary ruler of Gemini … therefore the mind and communications are going to benefit through growth, expansion and opportunities which present themselves … The main caveat here is that Jupiter is highly challenged and doesn’t always function efficiently  in this energy as it is said to be in “detriment” in Gemini due to the fact that it is in the sign opposite to the one it naturally rules … often our endeavors end up causing our energies to become extremely scattered while gathering so much information available from so many sources … Jupiter was last in Gemini from June 2000 through July 2001 … If you’ve had a natal chart run, then you will get an idea on what “stage of life” this energy shift will play out for you over the next year !!!

Jupiter in Gemini produces a love of philosophy and the desire to study important ideas in regards to the history of religion, education, law, and philosophy … the resulting expansion frequently results an opening of the mind to new and improved lines of communication and to the areas of social contact which ultimately benefit travel, writing, study, and business associated with the development of new ideas … this energy can yield a broad intellectual comprehension through a number of fields … there is much mental restlessness , traveling about and constant study in many areas of interest … this energy often produces highly skilled social commentators and historians … there is also the potential to attract numerous friends, acquaintances, and partnerships which allows one to expand their intellectual horizons in new and sometimes unusual directions … there is ability for teaching, writing, and lecturing … those born under this energy often become traveling lecturers … they also can earn money and expand their business interests through publishing, travel, personal services, importing, communication industries, and mail-order businesses …

Jupiter in Gemini encourages us to value the intellect, information, learning, and communications … we are lead to pursue our beliefs with mental exploration and versatility … our personal vision of that which is Higher is more rational and logical as ethics and morals will be based on intelligence and reasoning power … Life’s meaning will be sought through diverse interests incorporating variety, communication, cleverness or fluency … we will ultimately achieve growth through communication, learning and the development of many different skills … another challenge here is not to become over saturated with book knowledge at the expense of not supporting it through practical experience … now would be an excellent time to start keeping a journal of one’s ideas and experiences !!!

Jupiter in Gemini is all about growing through communicating … there is a natural enthusiasm to experience a multitude of life’s facets in order to truly get to know and understand oneself … however in this quest, we may get so caught up in the unending attractions as well as distractions available in life for us to pursue that we forget the most important factor – what exactly are we trying to attract and bring into our lives, and why are we so actively seeking distractions … in this quest to acquire so much varied and helpful information, we must guard against becoming like a tree with many broad, shallow roots which, even though it makes us mobile and adaptable personally, puts us in danger of being easily uprooted … on a positive note this energy bestows us with an adventurous attitude and the ability for getting into many advantageous situations …

Jupiter in Gemini allows growth and expansion on us through travel and literature, human networking, being in the know and constantly having food for thought … it challenged by lack of interests, lack of communication, being out of circulation, idle chatter and disconnected thoughts … The energy of Jupiter in Gemini can be expressed in the following ways :

POSITIVE:  well-travelled, well-connected, popular, sociable, a knowledge seeker, broad minded, knowledgeable, scholarly, mentally alert, many sided, well mannered, witty, cheerful

NEGATIVE: scattered interests, disconnected, restless, shallow interests, sketchy knowledge, intellectual snob, verbose, hypocritical, indiscreet, unacceptable to oneself, saying a lot but communicating little, agitated

Jupiter now joins Venus, which is currently retrograde, in Gemini … so for all of those varied interests we are now drawn to along with the desire to implement new courses of action based on this new information, it might be best to wait, especially if they involve money, until Venus turns direct and gets back up to full speed out of its retrograde zone on July 31st ... especially since the day Venus turns direct, June 27th, Mercury will enter its shadow point for the next retrograde journey beginning on July 14th which will last until August 8th ... and to that end, it might be best all together to wait until August 22nd when Mercury exits its next retrograde zone ... frustrating - you betcha !!! 

Gemini born, keep your eyes and ears open as you are now given a valuable gift from the Universe for the next year where you are bestowed with the potential to encounter additional beneficial opportunities for personal growth, expansion – which hopefully will not manifest through the waistline, and outright luck !!! … Sagittarian born, your ruling planet now takes a journey through a new sign - one which will greatly compliment your quest for higher knowledge and your desire to share this knowledge with others !!!

Even though Jupiter has begun its transit through quick paced Gemini, there are many of us who will be dealing with two Jupiter energies for the next year … those celebrating birthdays, also known as solar returns,from roughly June 10th, 2011 through possibly today, will still have the energy of Jupiter in Taurus in their solar return chart that will be in effect and influencing them until that next birthday … so you may experience sort of a push/pull effect with one energy saying go slower, that being Taurus, and another saying all systems go at the speed of light, that being Gemini !!!

Jupiter remains in Gemini until June 26th, 2013 … be prepared to experience the capacity of the mind to expand and become enlightened in many ways compliments of the Universe … understand you will be after something that is definitely worth knowing and worth communicating …  the time has come for all of us to explore the possibilities which allows us to discover and express the ultimate truths which unify us all … but hopefully one of the most important lessons we will learn from Jupiter transiting through Gemini for the next twelve months is the undeniable truth in that well known saying – a mind is a terrible thing to waste !!!

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