Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Venus begins her free-loving and often "shocking" transit through the progressive, rebellious sign of Aquarius today, February 16th, at 11:17 PM EST, which yields the potential to breathe rather radical new life to any form of love that has become stale, stagnant and/or non-productive - or perhaps it will quickly bring an end to some relationship(s) letting you know in no uncertain terms it is time to MOVE ON !!! ... Venus in Aquarius is a detached yet magnetic love as well as highly unconventional varying greatly from the norm !!! ... Venus was last in Aquarius from January 4th through January 27th, 2015 ... 

Venus in Aquarius can be extremely unpredictable and her capacity for love truly marches to the beat of a different drum!!! ... it indeed likes being unusual or going against the norm in some form or fashion ... relations can be casual, erratic or pursued with openness and tolerance ... affection is expressed experimentally, freely, and unconventionally ... pleasure is derived from being unique and sometimes downright kinky !!! ... the handling of money and possessions can be progressive, intellectual, unpredictable, changeable, or even rebellious ... freedom AND friendship is a requirement in love relationships ... trying to tie this Venus down is a big NO-NO - well except when you are, oh wait ... that's a whole other story !!! ... this energy is often viewed as cool and aloof and one can come across as impersonal and detached ... people of a race, creed, or gender that shock others may sometimes become ones object of affection !!!

Venus in Aquarius gives a kind and loving nature ... it makes one helpful, charitable, but NOT an emotional person ... PERSONAL FREEDOM IS OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE !!! ... in any relationship there must be the ability to explore varied interests and hobbies, meet new people, and enjoy a wide range of friends ... jealousy is not tolerated and overly emotional scenes will usually cause one to walk away ... this energy is more likely to have platonic friendships because sexual involvements are more emotionally binding than is desired here ... immense popularity and an attraction of many lovers is possible but not of the long lasting variety - romantic attractions are usually sudden and unexpected and can end just as suddenly and unexpectedly as they began!!! ... personal magnetism is directed toward larger concerns than mere romance ... if one wants to remain close to someone under this energy, they must allow their romantic or friendship interest freedom in their relationships with others ...

Venus in Aquarius teaches us how to learn to love through liberation - LOVE MUST BE SET FREE !!! ... there is an open minded and experimental approach to relating and to artistic expression ... it is often difficult for others to see where you are coming from emotionally as ones style can be disconcerting, shocking or just  outright odd !!! ... the ironic twist here is that this energy wants to allow a partner the freedom and space to do as they please, but by giving too much freedom it might actually begin to seem as though the partner doesn't care about you ... the secret though is to learn how to reveal, in a heartfelt way of course, your opinions and questions regarding the freedom of love for the person or persons to whom you feel the closest ... 

Venus  in Aquarius can be socially inventive and creatively innovative ... love and friendship absolutely MUST coexist here!!! ... and while there is certainly the idea that with all this unpredictability and need for freedom that lasting love just might be impossible under this energy, one must remember that Aquarius is a FIXED sign !!! ... the energy one might encounter with Venus in Aquarius may include:

POSITIVE: free-loving, idealistic, easygoing, liberal, original lover, non-possessive, unique, mild, cultured, experimental, progressive, eclectic, sparkling, popular, friendly, tongue-in-cheek, convincing, refined, quietly persevering, humane

NEGATIVE: lacks feelings, naive, indiscriminate, erratic, odd lover, unfeeling, peculiar, touchy, insincere, kinky, superficial, promiscuous, impersonal, flattering, sarcastic, stubborn, manipulative, uncompromising, reactionary

Venus remains in Aquarius until March 12th ... Aquarius born individuals, the Universe is energizing you with luck and opportunity while shining the light of love on you for the next few weeks so keep your eyes and ears and heart open and ask for what you want as you just might get it ... Taurus/Libra born, your ruling planet is moving into a new sign - ready to learn some new lessons about LOVE ??? ... for all of us, Venus in Aquarius has the potential to suddenly and unexpectedly pop our eyes wide open to see and realize there is a different way that may be unique and ahead of its time to understand the process of love and how we approach it !!!

Venus now  joins the Sun and Mercury already in Aquarius ... remember that Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus the planet of the sudden and unexpected, so enjoy this unusual and open minded energy after wading through the rather "vanilla" flavored energy of Venus in Capricorn - which there is certainly nothing wrong at all with, right my fellow Cappies ??? ... and should someone approach you and say "WHOSE YA DADDY ???", just realize they are being infused with this delightfully twisted energy so go for it and play along - you might enjoy it ???

And by all means keep in mind that while Venus transits through Aquarius, and Aquarius being ruled by the planet Uranus which, among other things, rules Astrology, there is definitely a strong possibility you just might realize there is a "certain" ASTROLOGER out there that you discover you've developed quite a fondness for !!!

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