Saturday, December 15, 2018


MERCURY, now direct, reentered to begin its complete transit through the philosophical, visionary, idealistic, inspirational sign of Sagittarius Wednesday, November 12th, at 6:43 PM EST ... below is a reminder of what this energy is all about in case you forgot while Mercury was in its last retrograde period from November 16th through December 6th ... Mercury got no further than 13 degrees 29 minutes Sagittarius when its stationed retrograde going back to 27 degrees 16 minutes Scorpio !!!

Mercury was last in Sagittarius from November 15th, 2017 through January 10/11th, 2018 ... a  longer than normal transit due to its final retrograde journey for 2016 and that will be the same situation this year !!!

Mercury in Sagittarius is in a sign opposite to one of the signs it naturally rules - that being Gemini - and is therefore said to be in "detriment" ... it is considered less "visible", appearing to not operate at its usual full power, but not less effective though ... it is visiting a sign where it must conform to rules and regulations that it wouldn't normally have to do in certain other signs !!!

This Mercurial energy learns by gaining an overview of the Big Picture ... it wants to know everything !!! ... it can use way too many words and use great hand gestures sometimes knocking things over, and talk much too loudly at times !!!

But for all its challenges, this Mercury can be quite funny, bluntly honest, and entertain so well that you might find it appealing ... here we have a sincere energy with a great sense of humor ... sometimes things are blurted out without considering the consequences ... there can be highly intuitive flashes of truth ... there is also such an overabundance of varied interests that one can scatter their mental forces too thinly ... here the mind does not need sharpening, only good direction ... generous, progressive and honest, this Mercury does not like deception on any level !!!

Mercury in Sagittarius can produce great interest in higher education, philosophy and religion ... intellectual status is admired and one could become a non-stop talker ... there is a love of travel of any kind found here - foreign places, cultures and people can inspire ones mindset ... the mental approach is broad and quick ... communication is made enthusiastically, openly and optimistically ... the desire to be direct, truthful, generous and broad-minded aids in connections with other people ... thinking and reasoning are usually influenced by long-term goals rather than specific or short-term desires and needs !!!

Honesty is usually a major focus with this energy ... one is likely to be quite articulate and gregarious ... there can be a tendency to leap to conclusions, overgeneralize and possibly over exaggerate ... one can inspire others through their ideas ... there is a natural inclination to learn and to teach other people what one knows ... there could also be an interest in writing or the law as well !!!

Mercury in Sagittarius teaches us to learn to think and communicate through what it is we are SEEKING ... its the eternal student ... the mindset is broad and active and capable of cultivating itself and being aware of a variety of life's aspects ... there needs to be a focus here otherwise the knowledge and experience can yield a personal philosophy that is merely a scattered collection of ideas and thoughts that are disconnected ... here we have a seeking mind that is looking for the meaning of life and how we are a part of that !!!

One usually speaks their mind yielding a refreshing clearing of the air in order for one to see where they stand with others, and where others stand with you and themselves ... getting things off ones chest is important with this energy - left unsaid it could lead to difficulty with communications and evening with breathing !!! ... here is a mind filled with wonder at all this world has to offer - everything is there for the finding ... mental freedom, a good hot debate, laughing and joking, great thoughts and the promises of life are liked ... not so well liked are an overabundance of ideas, long sad faces, small minded people and those who are wet blankets ... the energy of Mercury in Sagittarius can be expressed in the following ways :

POSITIVE: frank, sincere, open-minded, speaks ones mind, versatile mind, speculative, intuitive, noble-thinking, thinks big, learned, clever, far-sighted, philosophical, fair judge, sees truth, enthusiastic, cultured, eclectic, informed, well-connected

NEGATIVE: indiscreet, irreverent, overly talkative, scattered mind, irrelevant, illogical, poor concentration, overly-grand ideas, too academic, impractical, short-sighted, sermonizing, opinionated, self righteous, trendy, conceited, pompous

Mercury is now joins the Sun and Jupiter currently transiting through Sagittarius - all lot of jovial and good will towards man energy of we are embracing the positive side of this energy !!! ... Mercury remains in Sagittarius until January 4th, 2019 !!!

Sagittarius born, again we anxiously await all of the scathingly brilliant ideas you are going to come up with while Mercury transits your birth sign !!! ... we all may come up with some as well !!! ... just be aware that many of these ideas may be revisited and revised in some way due to the retrograde period - especially those we came up with from November 16th through December 6th !!!

Nevertheless, during this time, each of us has the potential to enhance our native born intelligence with formal training if we choose ... we should look AND listen ... gear your thoughts to an end that is lasting or even a cause that will inspire and enlighten others ... and what is the ultimate truth one can learn while Mercury transits through Sagittarius ??? ... By opening your mind you will surely come to understand one very important fact of life - KNOWLEDGE IS TRULY POWER !!!

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