Saturday, January 29, 2022


VENUS - the planet representing attraction, how you may give and/or receive love and affection, shows how each one of us perceives beauty and happiness, shows what we value and dictates our personal values, shows how you relate, how you create and appreciate harmony through social and artistic expression, shows how we earn and spend our money, and shows exactly what it is you like - completed its retrograde journey for 2021/2022 and stationed back into direct motion today, January 29th, at 3:46 AM EST !!!

As the weeks progress you may find little lights coming on in your mind as to decisions made in any of the above mentioned areas since the retrograde period began back on December 19th, 2021 ... there are an abundance of possibilities within this scope ... a lot of people may have realized that a significant partnership or relationship ended, and some of you may now suddenly find yourself having changed your mind or questioning why you made that decision, or the other person did, perhaps too hastily  ... it is also possible the person may now come back around and things might look entirely different with Venus moving forward again ... however, if it was time for the relationship to end, then it MUST be let go of for you to grow personally and spiritually in order to move forward ... for those of you who began significant new partnerships or relationships, ESPECIALLY of the romantic variety, you may discover that they will not have longevity as they were formed when the energy of love and relating was moving backwards ... time will tell ... marriages entered in to during these times often have an added sense of pressure - after all, Venus does naturally rule the 7th house of marriage and partnerships !!! 

Unfortunately, in this current economy, this could have been the period where quite a few of you actually had your salary reduced or lost your job and are now job hunting once again !!! ... and let's not forget this little item - how many of you ended up shelling out money on something you had no intention of or no idea that you would be spending money on ???

For those of you who made significant costly purchases, especially of the luxury variety, you may find yourself wondering why you spent so much money or simply realize that what you thought you really desired doesn't hold much attraction (value) anymore or that you have over payed for what you got !!!

As Venus anatomically rules the throat, chin, cheeks and sense of taste, there could have been health issues arising in these areas of the body ... or some could have had to go back and re-address an old issue concerning these areas ... did anyone have cosmetic surgery during the last 6 weeks, hmmmm ??? .. there is a chance that some of you who did may ultimately not be pleased with the results or feel that you didn't get the enhancement you sought and here too feel you may have over payed for the services rendered, or even possibly have to go back at some future date for some kind of correctional procedure !!!

Some of the main issues while Venus was retrograde in Capricorn could have been reviewing and reflecting on your dedication and ambition for your career and/or your public image as Capricorn is the natural ruler of the 10th house which governs these issues ... is your leadership potential and love of work and/or attempts to improve your public image getting truly fulfilled, or has your passion for either one of these run its course and change is now needed to continue to move forward to promote personal and spiritual growth ??? ... perhaps your personal values underwent a review and you may have discovered something had changed ...also, it could be that either you felt you were no longer getting financial fulfillment for what you were doing or, in some extreme cases, your job was downsized, phased out completely or you simply quit !!! 

Venus in Capricorn is all about "dedication" and if the energy isn't there supporting you, you won't be happy or successful ... or in some cases you may have discovered you had become too concerned with material achievements as well as extremely emotionally detached and too cool in career or personal issues ... this was NOT the time to make a switch in the retrograde ... as always it was a time for review and reflection !!!

Issues could have arisen with art, culture, aesthetics, possessions, partners, beauty, charm, good taste, sweets and sugar, color, harmony, poetry, paintings, jewelry, singing, singing, drama, music, emotional contacts, moral character, marriage and unions of all kinds, sociability, disposition, luxuries, pleasure and appreciation - all these being ruled by Venus !!!

Issues could have arisen with theories, scientific law, older persons, depth, patience, timing, tradition, productive use of time, principles of truth, solidification of wisdom and of aging - these being ruled by Saturn which is the planetary ruler of Capricorn !!!

Issues could have arisen with financial affairs, possessions (except real estate), investments, earning power, any gain or loss through our own efforts, inner talents and resources, need for fulfillment, emotional feelings, sense of self-worth, sense of values, personal liberty as liberty is usually a matter of money, material debt - these issues being addressed in the 2nd house of the natural zodiac ruled by Venus !!!

Issues could have arisen with face-to-face relationships both business and marital partnerships, marriage, divorce, contracts, lawsuits, bargains, agreements, dealing with the public and their response, open enemies, cooperation or lack thereof with others, what you most lack in yourself, attitudes towards marriage, your mate, the kind and quality of your marriage, how many marriages you may have, your grandparents, any people who act as your agent or on your behalf - these issues being addressed in the 7th house of the natural zodiac which is also ruled by Venus !!!

Issues could have arisen with your profession, your reputation and your standing in the community, ego, status, fame, ambition, business and social activities, your employer, the government or any authority over you, achievements, how the world sees and evaluates you, the influence you exert in your own circle, and the church seen as an organization - all being issues addressed in the 10th house of the natural zodiac ruled by Capricorn along with its planetary ruler Saturn !!!

As for the potential of health issues, they could especially have arisen in the area of the throat, neck, cheeks, chin and sense of taste as Venus naturally rules the sign of Taurus; the kidneys as Venus also naturally rules the sign of Libra; the skin, the skeletal system (including the teeth), knees, left ear and auditory organs as Saturn is the natural ruler of Capricorn !!!

Everyone should try and think back to the period between May 13th through June 25th, 2020 - is there something you may have begun in regards to any of the above mentioned areas Venus rules that became an issue for you during this Venus retrograde period ??? ... it is very common for this to occur ... to that end, anything begun during this current Venus retrograde period that just ended may yield problems in the days, weeks or months ahead, or lie dormant until the next Venus retrograde period begins !!!

Taurus and Libra born individuals, your period for inward reflection and review - especially of what has transpired in your life since the end of the last Venus retrograde on June 25th, 2020 - is now over and once again you start moving forward to pursue new avenues of personal and spiritual growth and maturity ... there could have been some significant insight, if you were paying attention during the last 6 weeks, that enlightened you as to what, where or who was no longer serving you and was not truly reflecting who you are on the inside as well as preventing personal and spiritual growth ... and this also is a possibility for all of us !!!

Venus stationed direct at 11 degrees 4 minutes Capricorn ... although now direct, Venus remains in it's retrograde zone -  the beginning degree at which Venus actually entered its retrograde journey back on December 19th, which was 26 degrees 29 minutes Capricorn, and must come back to - until March 1st ... then Venus will be considered back up to full speed once again ... and don't forget if you had a birthday from December 20th through January 28th, you have got this Venus retrograde energy for the whole year ahead per your solar return this time around  ... however, those born on December 19th or January 29th may or may not have gotten this energy in their solar return depending on the time your solar return actually occurred this time around ... now you can understand why it is so important to have a natal chart run for reference as to how the cosmic energy personally affects you on your journey through life ... and one last point to bring up - EVERY CAPRICORN born, in addition to some late degree Sagittarius and some early degree Aquarius born, got this Venus retrograde energy in their solar return chart for the year ahead so obviously the Universe is dictating there are issues for all of you to address for the coming year up until your next birthday ... below I have re-posted the significance of Venus retrograde in your solar return chart for your convenience to refer to and refresh your memory !!!

The following is what astrologer Mary Fortier Shea has to say about having Venus retrograde in your birthday chart for the whole year and it may be helpful in understanding what you may be dealing with :

"Venus retrograde indicates a time of comparison and contrast. Your increased ability to distinguish and value inner qualities separate from external situations signals an opportunity to compare and contrast the importance of each. Relationships, finances, and priorities should all be reassessed on the basis of the inner qualities they exhibit in comparison to the external pleasure or stress that they generate. Your focus on internal values will tend to overshadow your need for external manifestation; consequently, you will make adjustments in your pursuit of materialistic and external goals.

Relationships are always more important for the love you give and receive than the external trappings; however, this issue will become more evident during this year. You may be in love with a special person who treats you wonderfully, but refuses to consider marriage. If you were attracted to this person because of his or her inner qualities, it is important to appreciate your feelings for one another, and not get hung up on the legalization process. During this year you will tend to assess relationships you see or experience for the inner and outer qualities which they possess or lax. You can always find others who have the external trappings you desire without genuine caring. (Example: a verbally abusive marriage.)

External, artificial indicators of affection are meaningless. It is the inner and sometimes less apparent qualities that are important. Your attention to this issue will make the incongruity more obvious to you. Part of this discernment process can involve frustration with personal involvements which do not conform to your external expectations of what a relationship or partner should be. Love does not necessarily occur in neat little storybook packages, and frustration results from close attention to external storybook details which cannot truly satisfy internal needs. Outer limitations stress the importance of inner beauty. Because third parties may not easily see the qualities that you appreciate in your loved one, they may criticize your choice. Their criticism will encourage you to further define the inner beauty that attracts you. Those relationships which possess no redeeming inner qualities will seem void and unfulfilled. They can be discarded regardless of the external advantages they supply.

Values must be more closely attuned to the individuals aesthetic appreciation and therefore may be less consistent with societal preferences and standards. One can see unique beauty in what might appear ordinary to others. Your taste in material objects might depend on the emotional qualities associated with those objects. Price or status is unimportant.

Venus retrograde symbolizes an emphasis on the quality of life over the desire for financial gain. The money you earn should not be as important as the quality of your working environment and your satisfaction while on the job. Focusing on your inner need for contentment and fulfillment allows you to let go of a large salary, and search for an enjoyable employment position even though it may involve a pay cut. If you continue to work at a stressful job because of the pay, you may be very unhappy. Materialism will not bring you true happiness this year or any year. If you must remain in a stressful job, develop a strong belief in yourself and your abilities. Set goals that are rewarding and doable. Do not focus on your inability to perform at your best when conditions are at their worst. Some work environments are dysfunctional. Financially, this is generally a time to be conservative with funds. You cannot make good decisions about the quality of your life if you are more concerned with your monetary situation.

Social contacts and involvement in social activities are not emphasized while Venus is retrograde in the solar return. You need more time to focus inward and may withdraw from some or all social functions because you welcome the time alone. You might no longer enjoy these functions, or you might realize that certain social relationships are too difficult and unrewarding to maintain. For those individuals who require counseling, this can be a time of isolation. Withdrawal is common with Venus retrograde, but generally any time alone can be put to good use. You could want to be alone with one special person."

NOW .... least we forget,  Mercury is still currently in its first retrograde journey for 2022 which began on January 14th at 10 degrees 20 minutes Aquarius and has now returned to the sign of Capricorn as of Tuesday, January 25th !!!

Taurus and Libra born you obviously have a lot to be processing during this time ... but more apparent is the fact that the Universe is trying to get every one's attention in regards to something in these areas that HAS TO and MUST be addressed !!!

Venus now moves forward to once again to complete its transit through the sign of Capricorn ... below is a reminder of what this energy is all about in case you have been too distracted to remember :

 VENUS, with stately grace and refined elegance, began its transit through the committed, disciplined sign of Capricorn, today, November 5th, at 6:44 AM EDT ... this Venus has a somewhat more somber and serious nature as it is transiting through a sign ruled by Saturn the taskmaster/teacher who tends to limit and restrict and produce a need for restructuring and can sometimes even make us doubt whether we truly love someone or are lovable ourselves !!! ... Capricorn is an Earth sign and when Venus transits an Earth sign interactions with others are sought sensually and with practicality as well as sought after for comfort and stability ... Venus was last in Capricorn from January 8th through February 1st of this year !!!

Venus in Capricorn enjoys being responsible, practical, and competent ... there is a tendency to relate seriously, formally, and at times with some reserve ... affection is expressed cautiously and soberly ...   there is pleasure found here in self control and therefore sometimes there is inhibition in pleasure or love needs due to fears, limitations and inner doubts - all compliments of Saturn no doubt !!! ... here achievement of material wealth and status in the world gives one the feeling of emotional security ... ambitions, status or a conservative approach may affect love and social urges ... handling of money/possessions usually is very businesslike, pragmatic and very well organized ... predictability and fidelity are a must in love relationships !!!

Venus in Capricorn wants to be "sure" ere it makes any commitments in partnerships but will work hard to make sure the relationship endures once formed ... Venus in Capricorn is a dedicated love ... this transit produces an elegant side of Venus - the one that loves dressing up, expensive accessories, and social affairs ... there is an interest in antiques found here which includes anything, or anyone for that matter, that has been around long enough to show its worth ... Venus in Capricorn is often starved for love ... OK everyone - GROUP HUG HERE!!!

Venus in Capricorn often seeks to improve its status ... proud and reserved in public behavior, this Venus dislikes overt public displays of emotion and affection which can yield an apparent dignified air which is resented by others as it becomes perceived as snobbishness ... emotions and sexuality can be repressed here, but in private there can be great sensuality ... though not openly demonstrative, there is great loyalty and steadfastness due to an innate sense of personal responsibility in important relationships !!!

Venus in Capricorn teaches us all about loving through building ... the test of time becomes a requirement ... the revelation here is that love is indeed not a business and if one wants a deeply spiritual kind of love relationship, the heart must be opened up and surrendered ... to that end, the energy of Venus in Capricorn may be expressed in the following ways:

POSITIVE: committed, serious lover, steadfast, constant, cautious, trustworthy, disciplined, objective, genuine affections, modest, cool exterior, reserved, dignified, sense of composure, self-controlled, upright, practical, resourceful, affluent, self-made

NEGATIVE: possessive, jealous, inflexible, self-righteous, inhibited, distrustful, stern, indifferent, undemonstrative, mean, cold manner, unfeeling, snobbish, too formal, self-contained, stiff, materialistic, money-grubbing, penny-pinching, selfish

My fellow Capricorns, this is our time to shine when Venus bestows its grace, charm and luck on us - but aren't we usually charming and elegant in a somewhat understated manner anyway ??? ... remember to ask for what you want now as you just may get it ... just remember the sage advice "be careful what you wish for" - and that goes for everyone !!!

And while love may not actually be for sale here - well at least in most situations - the proof of its value and worth must certainly be "tendered"!!! 

During this extended transit, try your best listening to your heart and not your own voice as well as other peoples voices ... others will appreciate you if you truly appreciate them ... expressing your feelings verbally, without being overbearing, will open new doors both socially and emotionally ... time to get out there and experience the reality of variety truly being the spice of life - which again this time around will be greatly limited until further notice ... and while you're at it, you just might become proficient at speaking the "language" of  LOVE !!!

Venus is now with Mercury, retrograde until February 3rd, Mars, and Pluto already in transit through Capricorn -all three "personal planets" keeping Pluto company !!! ... Venus remains in the sign of Capricorn until March 5th/6th depending on which time zone in which you live ... as previously mentioned Venus will exit its retrograde zone on March 1st !!!

Venus remains in direct motion until July 22nd/23rd, 2023 at which point it will take its next retrograde journey completely in the sign of  Leo from 28 degrees 36 minutes Leo back to 12 degrees 12 minutes Leo where it will conclude on September 3rd/4th, 2023 once again depending on which time zone in which you live !!! - aren't you excited at the thought of that you ferocious Leo born ??? 

As for this Venus retrograde period being complete, it's time to try to live, laugh and let your love flow but somewhat cautiously to begin with, and hopefully Cupids arrows will now be flying back on target towards lovingly piercing your heartstrings instead of impaling you in ya BUM - well maybe not until after Mercury stations back into direct motion on February 3rd !!!

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